8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (2025)

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8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (1)

Korean Drama


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8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (2)

Thai dramas and films undeniably have a special place in the hearts of their fans. From horror to comedy, all genres have successfully captured attention. Not to mention the charm of Thai celebrities who have become the center of attention. Especially for those who are already in a relationship, people are curious about their latest news.

Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika Hoorne are a couple from Thailand who always make people baper. At first, they didn't admit to being in a relationship, but eventually they went public. They even celebrated their anniversary before. Let's take a look at their romantic photos below!

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (3)

Ter Chantavit and Davika are known as a celebrity couple from Thailand. Now, they are always affectionate in the shared photos.

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (4)

Previously, they celebrated their anniversary in 2020 with a caption adorned with heart emojis, "16.11."

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (5)

It is known that they are currently celebrating their third anniversary.

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (6)

Initially, they didn't admit that they were dating. But gradually, they started to go public.

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (8)

In their Instagram, they often say happy birthday to Valentine.

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (9)

Despite having a 9-year age difference, they always show affection and rarely get hit by negative rumors.

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (10)

Furthermore, it is known that they have sweet nicknames for each other, Uncle and Monkey.

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (11)

Read more here.

8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (12) Rekomendasi

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8 Romantic Photos of Chantavit Dhanasevi and Davika, Always Romantic and Make Netizens Baper (2025)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.